Did you know that Know(2) created an initiative to help promote small business in Cherokee County?
BGEN is a business generator located in downtown Gaffney. It is a place where entrepreneurs have the opportunity to share ideas, receive individualized training, and collaborate while working to promote and build their business.
The idea for a business incubator goes back several years. The United Way of the Piedmont, Cherokee County Community Workforce Investment Board and Upstate Workforce Investment Board contacted Garrison Walters of the S.C. Higher Education Foundation, who was about to launch an education program in Gaffney.
At the same time, Cherokee 2020 was organized to focus on four specific areas, one of which was economic development.
Our Indicator Initiative
You are never too old or too young to start a new business venture! With a lot of hard work, some help and a willingness to learn, you can start something new, create jobs, provide for your family and do good in the community and the world. – Brian Ziegelheafer